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Open Space Commission Minutes 06/10/2011

Friday, June 10,2011

1.Call to order/Welcome
Diana Johnson, Chairperson called to order the meeting at 8:30am.
Attending: Diana Johnson, George James, Christine Clayton, Bruce Baratz, Evan Griswold, Marianne Gotfredson, Peter Cable and Amanda Blair.
Guests were Steve Haines and Monica Buccheri (Chairperson of the Old Lyme Conservation Commission).

2. No voting alternates required.

3. No new business.

4. Old Business: Vice Chairperson Peter Cable introduced the guest Steve Haines, who is a publisher presenting a proposal for the Trail Map Booklet. The Old Lyme Conservation Commission and the Old Lyme Land Trust were attending the meeting so they could be a part of the current project to update the booklet.

A discussion followed concerning what the members and guests would like to see included in the new booklet. The booklet would include 14 trails and a town map, it would be useful, in color but with no foldout maps. The initial publication would be 2500 copies. Lisa Nicoli, a forester, would walk the trails, do the GPS mapping and assist in putting the booklet together for approximately $4000-$5000.
The budget for the booklet would be approximately $15,000-$25,000, which would include Lisa’s cost.
It was suggested that the three groups split the cost –1/3rd each and that we create a press release about the project in order to solicited sponsers/doners. The due date for the completed booklet would be March, 2012.

George James Spoke about the need for a Management Proposal for Champlain North and South:
He had questions about tree removal, permits required and hiring a forestry management group. This should be done in the next few years. George also offered to prepare the trail network for the newly acquired Ames property. The discussion on the Forestry management was postponed until the next meeting since many members had already left the meeting. George provided a handout on his proposal.

5./6.Diana handed out an article on beavers.

There was a discussion on management goals, use of chemicals on Open Space Property, dogs, etc.

Diana announced that there would be a real estate closing on the Ames parcel on Wednesday, June 15th.
At some point there would be a “celebration” and Steve Ames would lead a walk on the newly acquired parcel.

Ted Kirtsis passed out a notice of hearing on June 23, 2011 on the Flat Rock Hill Road Bridge by the CT DOT.

7. No minutes to review.

8. Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:30.

Amanda Blair